Blessed by a Monkey

Meet Coco - The persian cat who scratched me
Meet Coco – The persian cat who scratched me

The baby slept peacefully under the windows. Unnoticed by the adults in the next room, a monkey lightly padded in to sit quietly near the baby. Maybe a pat was stolen here or there. All was well. Until this lady came and took in the scene. And raised hell. The sanctity was broken. The monkey bounded out with one last look. The baby went back to sleep after stirring. Blessed by the monkey – the parents attribute all loony actions of their lovable daughter to that incident.

I think I turned out fine. That monkey probably just saw a lost kin in me. We bonded and shared a beautiful moment even if I have zero recollection. But then that’s me! Who does the dog chase? Who runs into a horse on the pavement? Whose nose does the crow slap five times? In whose room does the lizard make a home? In whose balcony does the cat hide? Yours truly! The blessing at work?

I guess that is why I talk with dogs. Bus-stop, building or bench – when a dog comes up, I start with my best bark and then proceed with words. I lecture on life, list the fruits I ate, boast about the consistency of my poop, wail about work, and even touch upon illiteracy. And they listen. I see pricking ears and solemn blinks as they look at me (or the sandwich I am wolfing down). A whine here and a shake there. Or they trot off if I bore them.

I love dogs! I could never have one, so I sought any dog I could find to play with. And remember aforementioned affinity? I have lost track of the number of times a stray has joined me on a stroll. Five minutes to fifty minutes! Once, this dog even let me remove a piece of wire latched on her (Not cats though. Only two kittens have followed me). Animals have their ways right? They somehow understand or at least attempt to make sense of our verbal and non-verbal cues. They reciprocate in manners we are too dumb to comprehend. They have a sixth sense about our feelings and often give their best head butt in support.

I remember when I was sitting at the neighbor’s feeling weepy. Out of nowhere, their cocker spaniel came running and jumped to hug me. And refused to leave my side. He just knew. Every single time. Once, I made an enemy of a cousin’s Persian cat. I was feeding the little rascal and he was acting pricey (obviously!). So I just went “No wonder I love dogs more!” and hey presto! Fierce scratches decorated my arm a second after the words came out. Oh, pro tip: Read a boring verse to nagging house lizards – they disappear in seconds!

We have all hear of these wonderful accounts what humans share with animals and these date back to centuries! Dogs, lions (Ah Christian!), horses and of course monkeys. Perhaps the entire animal kingdom out there has the capability of connecting with us. Maybe if we just stopped, listened and barked…

So now. Repeat after me… “Bow Wow!”

Share your moment of bonding with a big little fur ball – Animal lovers, animal haters, pet owners, lonely bachelors – whoever you are!

27 thoughts on “Blessed by a Monkey

  1. A beautiful story about your childhood, Prajakta. I think that animals can sense kindred spirits, and you are one. That’s why the monkey visited you, and why you talk to dogs. It’s world full of wonder, isn’t it?


  2. BArk.. purrs.. cAlls
    oF monKeys SinG
    sAMe refRain of
    affective emotional
    contagion Of Empathy
    that bonds uS togeTHeR
    seeKinG liGht for survival..
    iN aLL the ways that comes
    iN animal support of each other..
    IT’s powerful stuff and humans
    are stellar Star examples oF
    bEinGs wITh
    great potential
    to see farther
    than any reptile
    does in FeeLinG
    the pain and pleaSure
    of other beinGs.. but sadly
    then there were words leading
    to tools of spears.. but yet..
    extensions of tools too..
    iN StRings of Guitars
    and Pianos.. that
    extend our
    chords of
    feeLinGs now iN
    empathy producing
    emoTioNs.. to ourselves
    and others.. and farther
    out into the future iN
    media oF HeARt
    as WeLL..
    it’s a balance..
    bE a tool of heARt
    or Be a tool of aggression..
    violence.. wars.. and overall dark..
    But the bottom line is.. these animals
    FeeL the truth and liGht of others
    and the rest of Nature..
    so far away from
    what can
    be a greaTesT
    animal virus of all
    that is now manmade
    cultures for taking more
    than giving.. and
    over sharing
    for Love..
    anyway.. have
    a purrfectLy nice
    now.. friend Prajakta..
    and give a monKey
    from India..
    a hug for
    me too..
    oh yeah.. and
    by the way.. if you
    made it through
    my entire last
    novel blog post..
    you now deserve
    a medal of honor
    or a Purple heart..
    and a monkey kiss..
    with big Winks oF Ink..;)


  3. I haven’t had a furry animal since my days on the farm over 40 years ago, but I have kept fish for the past 15+ years in a large 95 gallon tank. I find them very relaxing. Although they won’t greet you as a dog, I really enjoy watching them. As soon as I approach the tank they will all come to the surface thinking they will be fed. And they are smart, as someone else will go the tank because it was not me, they will not come to the surface.
    A very interesting post Prajakta! 🙂


  4. Hahaha, i bet you can’t say Bow Bow better than my wife. She even speaks Chines, and Oh God, she would fail Chinese themselves!

    I know Dogs and Cats make for great friends.


  5. I’ve loved dogs my whole life, to the point where my home feels like something is missing when there is not at least one dog living with me. When my first love found me again, he brought his three dogs to live with my two in my little house. It was quite a pack! Many years ago, one of my dogs bolted in a thunder storm and was gone for three days. I went out back and prayed and putting my hands on the earth for him to be safe and come home. I felt overwhelming sadness and fear. I thought that meant he was dead. But the next morning he was back in the yard with only a slight limp. I wonder if I was connecting with him the night before and felt his fear and sadness. I wonder if I called him home. I wonder if I ever did a blog post on this. Hmmmm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Five dogs must be a very happy and very messy party all the time! I envy you since I have never been able to adopt a dog and not sure if I should given my work schedules. And I think you did call your dog back – there is definitely a connection beyond sounds and words that we share. Do write about them 🙂 Would love to read and learn about them. Photos as well!


  6. When our old dog, Gem, became sick a few years ago, we though we would have to put her down just before Christmas. However, she came back around and despite being a little incontinent (she had to wear dog diapers) and slower, due to arthritis, she was her old self again. As the new year came we knew that her days were numbered, but how much longer, we had no idea. Then March came and Gem stopped eating. She’d done it before for a day or so but she would still eat her treats. On day 2, she didn’t even want a treat anymore. She just looked at me with sad brown eyes and I knew right then and there it was time. She was telling me it was okay. I called the vet and we made the appointment for the following morning. The next morning I let her out for one last stroll in the yard. She had more energy than she’d had in weeks and for a moment I thought I would change my mind. I watched her from the threshold of the door as she approached a tree in the yard. She hadn’t gone toward that tree all winter but on that morning she walked right up to it. She stared at a large branch that had fallen down beside the tree earlier in the season. The branch was covered with birds and she just stood there watching them fly around. Once again I knew what she was telling me. We buried her later that day, beside the tree.


    • I still don’t know how to react to this – the loss of a dog somehow hits harder than the loss of someone else. It is different and without words they manage to get straight into the depths of our heart. I am not sure if I have that strength to face losing a dog! Hope Gem is enjoying in doggie heaven ❤

      Do you have any other dogs after her?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Prajakta 😦 This brought tears to my eyes… 😥 I just lost my Persian Cat “Cherry”, She’s been missing since 4 days now and we can’t find her anywhere…We had her for more than 8 years now… and that picture above, she resembles it so much…she was much fluffier and cuter though 😦 😦


  8. You have a way of writing which approaches the other person and grabs her attention completely, like every cell wants to read more and most of it. 🙂


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