
apple blossoms

I fell asleep in the hollow of a willow tree.

A spotted caterpillar tiptoed his way up the bridge of my nose,

Whispering tales of an enchanted meadow.

Blooming into a silken butterfly, he beckoned to hold tight.


Across the dawn-dusted sky we flew,

Shining stars illuminating our path into the valley,

Where the frost perched high on the grass

Glinting like silver pearls in the fading moonlight.

A soft crooning of magpies stirred awake the napping animals,

Faeries blew feathered kisses on crystallized flowers

Unfurling the beds of sleeping beetles and moths.

Carpets of daffodils and lilies, carnations and daisies

Spritzed up mists of perfumes into the first ray of sunshine.

Hours ticked tocked in the hustle-bustle

Of the boisterous schools of rabbits, ladybugs and pigs.

Of the solemn hymns of thrushes, lambs and hens.

Of the nectar-gathering of honey bees, ducks and goats.

As dusk shaded the last of the golden luminescence,

Fireflies twinkled from the branches of the old trees,

One by one, the world softly descended into dreamland.


And I glided back up into the universe,

Waking up to a fragrance tickling my senses,

Catching a spark in the painting of a meadow,

And a caterpillar blooming on the edge of my quilt…

49 thoughts on “Meadow

  1. This poetry is an absolute class. It felt like an award winning poem being read out to me in my mind whilst reading it! – Cezane


  2. This is a wonderful poem Prajakta ! I loved it, it also reminded me of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 98. Your poem is antithetical to it, but they are certainly similar in presenting the charm of nature in a poetic form. Cheers 🙂


  3. I’m not sure if I have mundane words to express my feelings about this piece. The essence of nature vividly penned. You’ve struck the right chords with this masterpiece of yours. 🙂


  4. SmiLes.. DogWood
    FeeLs oF SpRinG
    to coMe..
    Dogs FeeL
    thE breeze
    of snoW..
    We SinG
    A Praise oF
    aLL.. Dance
    NatUre onE and aLL..
    Lovely Prajakta.. trUly
    LovELy to comMune TunEs WitH
    NatUre OnE iN WordS oF SonG
    iN poEtry thUs or DancE oF feaT
    iN NatUre’s water’s
    Air.. iS to LiVe liGht
    over dArk sAMe
    as God allthatiS
    a BlanKeT of Love
    thaT kNows and FeeLs
    no thing extra terrestrial
    as aLL..
    keY iS allThaT iS
    iS allthatis.. no hUman
    labels to priSon NatUre
    iN i or uS or We all thaT iS FReED..:)


  5. WOW…I want to fall asleep in that enchanted meadow in the hollow of that willow tree. And that caterpillar was still giving you company when you woke up.

    Thanks for sharing. This is truly an amazing piece of poetry! 🙂



  6. There are so many things to love about this enchanting poem. In addition to all the above, I love how the ending keeps the dream going. We will always have a bit of magic in our lives if we look for it. 🙂


  7. The transition.
    The way one undergoes a transition and rest of the word remains intact.
    Its the dream of change! That’s how i could see this poem!

    Beautiful selection of words. 🙂


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