Passage #writephoto


It amazes me how one thought never leads to just one another. It happens almost every time, that even before one thought has materialized and taken a full-fledged form, there are already several off-shoots growing in different directions, flowering as they run along.

When I am simply an observer to my thoughts, they look like attractive maple trees sprouting within seconds and already at the peak of their fall colors.

When I am a tiny insect starting my climb up from the root, it seems to be a daunting task. To not just decide which path to tread, but also make sure that I don’t end up losing sight of the root. There are so many different passages. So many different crossings. Each with their own light and dark; each with their own beauty and wrinkle. These passages connect together forming a beautiful maze led by heartbeats. The signboards are all over the place, swiveling in the winds of change.

A passage suddenly drops down into another one or perhaps shows an explosion of graffiti left by the lingering presence of another person. They never fail to surprise me! It feels like opening a present from myself, opening a dimension I never though I was capable of.

When I do manage to find my way to the top, I get that rare sense of clarity under the expanse of clear blue skies. And maybe, in those moments if I am lucky I see someone else who has managed to poke into the serenity. It makes the myriad wanderings all the more fruitful.

Here’s to the wonderful passages of our minds – never ending and always surprising!

Written for Thursday Photo Prompt

31 thoughts on “Passage #writephoto

  1. That’s so true. There are so many things developing from one thought, step, manifestiation, I love to look back and get aware of how much happened through one decision or action.


  2. WeLL.. my friEnd
    Prajakta.. verily
    i say.. you capture
    A essence iN Sublime
    Beauty as A Force of hUman
    CreatiViTy heRe.. weLL.. as streAMs
    of consciousness branch out from
    rivers and
    of Ocean
    never ending
    as shores
    along lines that Golden
    SpiRal sAMe as SonG and
    DancE free as fingers and toes
    and all pArts of WhoLe can and
    WiLL do free unfettered by fear
    of stop and go.. outstanding
    my friend
    with applause
    from me for now
    with pleasure as a
    visit ends foR noW.. FriEnd..
    SeriouSly.. CreatiVity IS A
    best FriEnd oF aLL.. NoW..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Never-ending and always surprising. This happens with me as well and perhaps with most of us. Our thought process is faster than even the light year. It often shoots out in different directions even before we can comprehend it completely.

    Wonderfully penned, Prajakta… nice flow of words… 🙂


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