Knock Knock!

Point Pelee – the southernmost tip of mainland Canada

“Who’s there?”

No – I am serious. I am sure for quite a few people, this post will come as a shock. Maybe some vague recollections that there was someone who was lazy enough to call themselves an Armchair Perfectionist and then made a run for it because words became scary.

So hello, if you are still here. I went AWOL before the pandemic, and funnily enough I don’t really recollect how time worked then. It has been one big blob where masks, work-from-home, physical distancing became a habit and I steadfastly refused to open my eyes and look at the world that was once home. It’s so funny, I started writing because I needed to get away, then I stuck to it because of this amazing supportive community and then I ran because the mere thought of writing a word that didn’t pay bills made me breathless. I come back, older, plumper and probably not wiser.

I completed three years in Canada last month. D and I bought a condo last year and we have become a little too familiar it thanks to the longest lockdown. But it’s home with a pretty solid kitchen, and by the lake with tons of trails. What else? I turned 30 as well, but since it happened in the pandemic I might get away by calling myself 29.99 for a bit.

I too, baked a lot of banana bread and tried different recipes. I too, started day drinking and realized it’s not sustainable. I too, enthusiastically did home workouts for a bit before resigning to the fact that the tummy wants what it wants. Work threw in a promotion last year and has been paying the bills, and to be fair the long hours helped numb the few things that still raised their heads and tried to make me accountable. That said, work mates have been pretty awesome. As an introvert, I thought this was my time to shine and simply focus on my work but instead it gave me a chance to form some great relationships. I was one of the few people who was using Zoom before it was cool so I scoffed at all the Zoom memes but couldn’t help but stay ridiculously entertained by this incident “(I am here live – I am not a cat!)”.

Summer has been weird and damp (thank you Colin for clarifying that this is unusual for you as well), but I got a ton of hikes in. I cannot get over the fact how green this beautiful city is and you have a broad selection of parks within minutes of the city. But perhaps August will be great. All I need is one clear night this week to catch the Perseid meteor showers.

I want to end this with an apology to the kind people of this community and this dormant-no-more blog. No amount of “it was for my mental health” will excuse the way I abandoned this baby. I want to thank each and everyone who dropped comments on posts asking after me. I want to make up. I want to talk. I want to write.

Thank you for listening and I would love to hear from you 🙂


This yellow enchants :)
This yellow enchants 🙂

I welcomed you with groans and scowls,

How I yelled and cursed in your face

And shielding mine with scarves and hats,

Fighting for the spot near air cooler.


As I walked back home wiping my brows,

You gave me a good reason to smile.

I saw children playing and enjoying the

Summer vacation your time brings.


I recollect my daily ecstasy of cold baths 

And melting ice down my breathless face,

Of the smell of mangoes and fresh cream

The long holidays with joyous families


I savour ice-cream like it deserves to be,

My runs feel so rewarding and complete.

The hazy light adds golden touches around,

Brightening the colors to an intense life .


I was too quick to judge and condemn you.

Tiny distinct joys bask under your hot rays.

We are not friends yet or ever… But now think,

I am ready to call it a truce… what about you? 

A little tribute to summer 🙂 Caught the golden beauties on my way to work.

Day 1 of the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge for which the wonderful Rob nominated. His sense of humour is one of the best I have come across 🙂 Check out his lovely blog! 

My first nomination for this is Tonya. Her blog is breathtaking, tranquil and poetic. The challenge is – “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge”

Summer Storms

Right on a mad magician’s cue
Lightening crashes and thunder vibrates,
A breathtaking duet of fury…

Dust, heat, sweat, smoke and blood
Weep at the call of the mighty skies,
Paving a seductive respite…

It’s May. It’s the peak of summer. This stormy evening in Pune is poetic to say the least.