Grown Ups


Every visit back home adds another knot to the fine braid linking memories, relationships and feelings. This time, my home was the neatest train wreck – furniture scattered and walls hacked off for the last “Great Renovation”. After that, it all depends on my sister and I – not quite a comforting thought!  

I was playing the good daughter over the long weekend and attempted to be indispensable to my Mom (or so I’d like to believe) by giving her a much-needed break. We were like Batman and Robin you know.. smoothly tackling the renovations along with the cleaning, washing, laundry and gardening. Dad was being… err.. Fox? Temporary handicap has made him a one-arm soldier which has fueled his motivating wisecracks 😀

This visit added a jewel to the braid…

See, I am extremely lucky to have always been considered an “adult” by my parents with varying levels of responsibility and wisdom in spite of the apparent insanity.. And it feels so good that they completely trust my thoughts, my decisions and my actions – while drilling in that independence. I was never just a sounding board and my opinions were considered every time. The degree of this underwent changes as I grew up, even though I myself never realized it. But this time even as I kept wearing the young girl hat, my parents pointed out how the times, perspectives and depths of our conversations has intensified and evolved. They were shocked proud when they saw how well my kitchen shenanigans came along – according to Dad, that is a sure sign of being a grown-up.

So yay! Finally made it 😀

My “man to man” talks with Dad which includes politics, economics and finances are now natural. And with Mom… Well, that’s multi-dimensional! We welcome everything under the sun, the moon and the stars – her work, social issues, family issues, and now wedding bells *hides under blanket* And this visit was something else… For example, the renovations brought up many discussions on the antiques decorating our house. For the first time I seriously ran through some of my ideas for my future home and even bagged a few of my favourite items. Mom couldn’t stop smiling as my enthusiasm reminded her of how she been exactly the same! We totally fawned over the vertical garden for our balcony and almost brain-washed Dad into it 😀 Those few hours with grandma and mom over afternoon tea (chocolate milk for me) were so typically feminine with generation gaps rendered irrelevant amidst naughty laughter and rude jokes!

During every visit, my parents get presented with someone who isn’t just their little girl but also an individual not entirely incapable thanks to their gentle guidance. Sure she still demands pocket money and pats, but we even get those moments of being in sync as grown ups. Cheers! (I am probably a big entertainment as well, as they witness me stumbling through blocks my life as they once did – and how I handle it.)

At times, the apple doesn’t really fall that far from the tree. And I couldn’t be happier 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day to all, fathers included! ❤

27 thoughts on “Grown Ups

  1. Enjoyed you sharing like a personal insight of your relationship with your parents, and it was very endearing Prajakta.

    They must be very proud of the beautiful, mature and intelligent young lady that you are. 🙂



  2. Your little story here makes me not want to grow up. 😦 Maybe when I’m your age though, I’ll enjoy the process – process. You mean it’s already happening?! Anyway, glad you’re comfortable with being acknowledged as an adult. Gosh. Why is everything coming out the wrong way? 😛 I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for sharing this post. Made me think, and then made me want to stop thinking. 🙂


    • Ha ha 😀 I love and enjoy this deeper connection with my parents… The last four or five years have been so enriching. Being away has really made it deeper and stronger…

      Liked by 1 person

      • *Nods head solemnly* I totally understand. 🙂 No, really. I mean it. I guess that independence – not freedom, but independence – really makes a difference. Hmm.


  3. Awh Prajakta! ❤ This was so sweet and touching to read. To see how you have grown , matured and made connections with your parents, Light hearted yet with emotional tinge to it.

    Hope you got to spend some quality time with your mom on Mothers day! 🙂


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