Name Your Superpower – J0tting

Image result for what's your superpower

In the million parallel universes inside my head, each features a version of me exactly as this plus one superpower or an incredible skill that I have practiced the necessary 10000 hours. A trigger on that one cell in my body which transforms me into a cross between Hermione Granger and Lara Croft.

I am so unsure of what super-power I want, I just pick from a random list. Time travel comes a close second. I desperately want to go back in time and just see the world as a mute and invisible spectator. It’ll be fascinating to learn and find the answer to how did we evolve into such an awesome and messed up race.

I wouldn’t mind experiencing life as Matilda either – one of my favourite characters in literature 🙂 Having her gift will make life infinitely more colorful! Or maybe, I would want to be exceptionally hypnotic and be able to read people’s minds/emotions. But I assume it will get very noisy. Keeping track of what goes on in my mind is bad enough, let alone what is happening in others’.

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I have no idea what is first on my list. I think incredible fitness, where I am bendy and strong like those warrior princess… yet so smoking hot that I have extremely able and handsome men vying for my hand. Even if there aren’t any men, I would love to have the stealth and cunning to get myself out of the trapped room in a matter of seconds without an eyelid out of place. But… Waffles and Nutella are extremely close to my heart along with lazing with a dog to sustain THAT life.

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ORRRR …. Maybe the ability to listen to what the animals and trees and birds are talking about! And be able to talk back. Yup… That is nice. I wouldn’t mind that one. Works fine with Nutella.

I am keeping that as my desired superpower till I cook up another one. As of now, thinking about potential superpowers seems to be my existing superpower.

Enough about my superpower! What about you? Do you have one already or dreaming about a particular one? Jotted for the Just Jot It January 9th prompt, brought to you by Erica over at 20/20 hines sight: “Power.” 


apple blossoms

I fell asleep in the hollow of a willow tree.

A spotted caterpillar tiptoed his way up the bridge of my nose,

Whispering tales of an enchanted meadow.

Blooming into a silken butterfly, he beckoned to hold tight.


Across the dawn-dusted sky we flew,

Shining stars illuminating our path into the valley,

Where the frost perched high on the grass

Glinting like silver pearls in the fading moonlight.

A soft crooning of magpies stirred awake the napping animals,

Faeries blew feathered kisses on crystallized flowers

Unfurling the beds of sleeping beetles and moths.

Carpets of daffodils and lilies, carnations and daisies

Spritzed up mists of perfumes into the first ray of sunshine.

Hours ticked tocked in the hustle-bustle

Of the boisterous schools of rabbits, ladybugs and pigs.

Of the solemn hymns of thrushes, lambs and hens.

Of the nectar-gathering of honey bees, ducks and goats.

As dusk shaded the last of the golden luminescence,

Fireflies twinkled from the branches of the old trees,

One by one, the world softly descended into dreamland.


And I glided back up into the universe,

Waking up to a fragrance tickling my senses,

Catching a spark in the painting of a meadow,

And a caterpillar blooming on the edge of my quilt…

Twilight Walks


A sliver of pearl traverses the night

Bumping into scintillating stars

Sleep eludes and thoughts soar up

Wrapping dreams like a blanket


To lie back on the curve of the moon

Leisurely fish for errant asteroids

Loop a rope around a comet and

Stumble upon an outrageous galaxy


Hike back to earth on a meteor shower

Fall into a luxuriant canopy of grass

Rinse feet in the cold bustling stream

Dig toes into the sifting oozing sand


A golden lace of sunshine threading

Patchwork quilts of carnations and daisies

Silver drops perch atop the glossy leaves

Feathers of dandelions narrate faraway tales


Stories familiar of concrete and clocks

Of life that forgets the beauty of dawn

Don’t want to leave this secret meadow

And wake up to begin living yet again.

Deadlines, meetings and doctor visits have made me want to run away. Dreaming is my one and only outlet. I needed Open Link Night to pick up the pen and write again.

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Of Mysts and Runs

Caught during another run :)
Caught during another run 🙂

A happy pup tagged my heels,

Sprinted along the dense trees.

A pause. A pull. A keen beckon.

Off we went beyond the hidden rock


Over slick stones and mossy trunks

Following the trail of sleepy fireflies

Deeper and deeper we foraged

Until we opened upon a giant swamp


Wood faeries weaving silvery tranches

Schools of naughty nymphs tittering

A wise old elf smoking shapes from pipes

Pixies braiding butterflies from moon-dust


Lost in city smoke is this paradise

Lighted up by the dewy sunshine

A canvas of shades of eternal greens

Arena for forgotten magic at play


Goodbyes and farewells were heavy

Drizzling mist as soft as a lover’s kiss

Washed away the signs of our tryst

A solemn promise to keep it our secret.

An early morning run on top of a misty hillock in light showers with this tale playing in my head. Can life get any better? 🙂


Carnival of Fantasy

Welcome O’ Wanderer, to the greatest carnival on Earth,

You look all revved up to join this happening party!

Why don’t you relax with Long John Silver and his rum?

Or share a butterbeer with Harry if that strikes your fancy!


Join Snow White and Cinderella with their dizzy foxtrot,

And try your luck to kiss and wake the Sleeping Beauty!

Stop over to pat Moby Dick by the pond – he’s real friendly,

And hop over for an animated gambol with Timmy the Dog!


Glinda the Good Witch will merrily teach you her magic,

And while you’re at it, cheer up Sam and Frodo with some!

Try not to disturb Alice looking through the glass though,

And watch your head for Peter Pan juggling Miss Moppet!


This party is happening in every room around the world,

When any child picks up a book and unlocks his dreams!

Take some time to wipe the dust from your old bookshelf,

And unhook the anchor to sail towards your wonderland!

As a kid, I was living a part in almost every book I read – an escape into my personal fantasy. I forget now how easy it was to run away with my thoughts.  The prompt given by Anthony at dVerse to go crazy with our imagination was a perfect way to bring my best friends back to life!