One-Liner Wednesday: Run!

“Don’t race, just do what you love – who cares about the time when you can run more and longer” – My otherwise idiotic cousin brother.

I was complaining to him (a runner as well) about how I was not able to reach my target distance in a given time-frame. He patted my head and presented me with the above which I am happy to say I have incorporated in my routine. Results are better stamina and fewer aches.

As a bonus, I will also share what he said minutes later when I told him that I am increasing my fibre intake:

“Go Wireless, Praju”

What a stupid amazing fool 🙂 He is visiting India after three long years and it has been a ball having him around!

Check out One-Liner Wednesday at Linda’s for something inspirational or funny or weirdly insightful!


8 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday: Run!

  1. SMiLes.. running
    is for scared
    of predator
    and rarely
    capturing prey
    as invisible means
    success for prey much
    faster than human legs..
    i ran for a decade until my hips..
    and knees.. and the insteps of
    my soul
    ached.. and
    oh God so
    BoRinG until
    the hiGh coMes..
    but wait..! tHere is muSiC!
    eXpreSsinG EmoTioN..! and
    head phone way.. yes.. more
    fully employed by runners today..
    but why not dance.. and master
    gravity in ballet way and martial arts
    FloWiN ZonE.. never tiRinG never
    trUly ouT oF BreathE aLWayS jOy
    alWays eXciTing but sAdly
    most folks
    on rat
    wheel cycles iN
    sidewalks oF one way
    walk or run
    away noW..
    emBraCe thE
    DancE and SonG
    oF liFe FreEr.. perHaps
    iN Dance waves Ocean WHoLe..
    oh.. butT to bE brave noW to stand
    upon the World of the indigenous
    a StreAM
    oF feaT Of
    beyOnd Words
    as steps oF feet..
    mY FriEnd.. Prajakta..
    anyWay.. when you geT
    older like me.. arthritis here
    and tHere and the run oF liFe
    not even reAlly possible anymore..
    tHere iS an alternative sTiLL iN keeping
    the flow of feet in balance as Friend
    wIth gravity.. wHere eArth
    beCoMes water
    and we DanCE
    thAT witH free floWinG
    ease iN Balance.. trUly more
    impressive than walKing oN wateR
    as most anyone can do thAT WitH a
    oF NoW..:)


  2. So cool to have your cousin (also a runner) over for a visit. I love one liners, short bur very profound that can make a huge difference just when we need it! 🙂


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