Name Your Superpower – J0tting

Image result for what's your superpower

In the million parallel universes inside my head, each features a version of me exactly as this plus one superpower or an incredible skill that I have practiced the necessary 10000 hours. A trigger on that one cell in my body which transforms me into a cross between Hermione Granger and Lara Croft.

I am so unsure of what super-power I want, I just pick from a random list. Time travel comes a close second. I desperately want to go back in time and just see the world as a mute and invisible spectator. It’ll be fascinating to learn and find the answer to how did we evolve into such an awesome and messed up race.

I wouldn’t mind experiencing life as Matilda either – one of my favourite characters in literature 🙂 Having her gift will make life infinitely more colorful! Or maybe, I would want to be exceptionally hypnotic and be able to read people’s minds/emotions. But I assume it will get very noisy. Keeping track of what goes on in my mind is bad enough, let alone what is happening in others’.

Image result for what's your superpower meme

I have no idea what is first on my list. I think incredible fitness, where I am bendy and strong like those warrior princess… yet so smoking hot that I have extremely able and handsome men vying for my hand. Even if there aren’t any men, I would love to have the stealth and cunning to get myself out of the trapped room in a matter of seconds without an eyelid out of place. But… Waffles and Nutella are extremely close to my heart along with lazing with a dog to sustain THAT life.

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ORRRR …. Maybe the ability to listen to what the animals and trees and birds are talking about! And be able to talk back. Yup… That is nice. I wouldn’t mind that one. Works fine with Nutella.

I am keeping that as my desired superpower till I cook up another one. As of now, thinking about potential superpowers seems to be my existing superpower.

Enough about my superpower! What about you? Do you have one already or dreaming about a particular one? Jotted for the Just Jot It January 9th prompt, brought to you by Erica over at 20/20 hines sight: “Power.” 

Blessed by a Monkey

Meet Coco - The persian cat who scratched me
Meet Coco – The persian cat who scratched me

The baby slept peacefully under the windows. Unnoticed by the adults in the next room, a monkey lightly padded in to sit quietly near the baby. Maybe a pat was stolen here or there. All was well. Until this lady came and took in the scene. And raised hell. The sanctity was broken. The monkey bounded out with one last look. The baby went back to sleep after stirring. Blessed by the monkey – the parents attribute all loony actions of their lovable daughter to that incident.

I think I turned out fine. That monkey probably just saw a lost kin in me. We bonded and shared a beautiful moment even if I have zero recollection. But then that’s me! Who does the dog chase? Who runs into a horse on the pavement? Whose nose does the crow slap five times? In whose room does the lizard make a home? In whose balcony does the cat hide? Yours truly! The blessing at work?

I guess that is why I talk with dogs. Bus-stop, building or bench – when a dog comes up, I start with my best bark and then proceed with words. I lecture on life, list the fruits I ate, boast about the consistency of my poop, wail about work, and even touch upon illiteracy. And they listen. I see pricking ears and solemn blinks as they look at me (or the sandwich I am wolfing down). A whine here and a shake there. Or they trot off if I bore them.

I love dogs! I could never have one, so I sought any dog I could find to play with. And remember aforementioned affinity? I have lost track of the number of times a stray has joined me on a stroll. Five minutes to fifty minutes! Once, this dog even let me remove a piece of wire latched on her (Not cats though. Only two kittens have followed me). Animals have their ways right? They somehow understand or at least attempt to make sense of our verbal and non-verbal cues. They reciprocate in manners we are too dumb to comprehend. They have a sixth sense about our feelings and often give their best head butt in support.

I remember when I was sitting at the neighbor’s feeling weepy. Out of nowhere, their cocker spaniel came running and jumped to hug me. And refused to leave my side. He just knew. Every single time. Once, I made an enemy of a cousin’s Persian cat. I was feeding the little rascal and he was acting pricey (obviously!). So I just went “No wonder I love dogs more!” and hey presto! Fierce scratches decorated my arm a second after the words came out. Oh, pro tip: Read a boring verse to nagging house lizards – they disappear in seconds!

We have all hear of these wonderful accounts what humans share with animals and these date back to centuries! Dogs, lions (Ah Christian!), horses and of course monkeys. Perhaps the entire animal kingdom out there has the capability of connecting with us. Maybe if we just stopped, listened and barked…

So now. Repeat after me… “Bow Wow!”

Share your moment of bonding with a big little fur ball – Animal lovers, animal haters, pet owners, lonely bachelors – whoever you are!

Because I Can – One Liner Wednesday

This is me most of the days –

From Facebook
From Facebook

Although some moments like this one below makes life worth living!

Four year old niece: “Why are you eating ice-cream?”

Me: “Because that is my dinner”

Four year old niece: “But how??”

Me *waggling big evil shaggy imaginary brows*: “Because, I can”

Four year old niece: “MOMMY!!!”

Ah! The one perk of being an adult 😀 Linking up with Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday. Because, I can.

Kwick Kvotes

I was nominated by ShashankAmrit, Tejas and Helen for the Three Days, Three Quotes Challenge 🙂 I am going to cheat a bit and go for nine quotes at one go! Yeah 😛 I get off the grid and come back all lazy instead of pumped up!

To make it a little fun, I went for three authors and selected quotes that I liked the most. Without further ado, let’s jump right in!

First up, Alice Hoffman.

“Books may well be the only true magic.”

“Just because something is unspoken doesn’t mean that it disappears.”

“Do you ever just put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like; everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but for some reason you just keep going.”

Next, Charles Schulz.

“I love mankind … it’s people I can’t stand!!”

“Be yourself. No one can say you’re doing it wrong.”

“Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, ‘Where have I gone wrong’.
Then a voice says to me, ‘This is going to take more than one night.”

Last but not the least, Ernest Hemingway.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?”

“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

And because I took the easy way out, here is a bonus quote by Ray Bradbury.

“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.”

If you were feeling too lazy to go through ten quotes at one go – Enjoy this… Apparently this is true! ❤



1977 – A Love Story

I am the smallest :) Some serious swag there!
I am the smallest 🙂 Some serious swag there!

’twas a time of bell bottoms and high collars,

Slim skirts and large paisley prints.


Standing tall was a jovial ambitious man,

Aspiring management guru post University.

Skipping petite was a spirited rational woman,

Caught between art and medical school.


Different circles and prolific ambitions –

they were brought together by a college play.

Ignited by scenic sways of a train journey

Sparks exploded underneath the calm waters,


The man – always a creative magician expelled

A puzzle for the entire troop to solve on the train.

Hoping to win the woman’s favour, a tiny letter

was discreetly handed to her as the “solution”.


The woman – always a mischievous pixie called

him over to her home to discuss the said “solution”.

Secret: the letter professed his love for her – risky!

She, the beloved daughter of the University’s Dean.


But love cherished, blossomed and went beyond,

It was them NOT against the world – but with.

Joined together in holy matrimony and growing

together for a promising future – they were.

And that is how I came to be. This is where I come from. This was my parent’s love story 🙂 Stronger after almost 35 years together!

Written for dVerse where Mary wants us to write where we come from. Do share your story!