Fresh Start Calling

Image: Totomai Martinez
Fantasy by Totomai Martinez

Bright eyes beamed back in the mirror,

A pink smile bloomed in anticipation,

Betraying only the faintest of quivers

Of the lurking shadows in the reflection.


The past demons raised their fiery heads,

A franctic war ensued to douse the flames,

The smoking memories prickled the eyes

As a reminder of the ugliness to be tamed.


Anguished tremors took over reality,

A feeling that threatened to smother,

But the shivers will stop; you aren’t alone

With your one hand clasping the other.


A spark at the end of the long tunnel

Will light the way for a second innings,

The embers still flicker with past fires

But now, only to ignite new beginnings.

At dVerse, Mary has introduced the lovely ‘phoetry’ of Totomai Martinez where we are using his photography as an inspiration for our poems. The curve of her smile and the intense look of her eyes has guided my words

42 thoughts on “Fresh Start Calling

  1. It is always good to know that there is still a second innings left to play, to live.
    The past with its demons is expressed wonderfully; the highlight for me in this poem is the ending, wherein the embers of the fires of the past are the one to ignite a new beginning. Expressive and thoughtful writing. 🙂


  2. I like the way your poem traveled here from looking in the mirror at the beginning to new beginnings. It is good to think we all have those ‘second innings’ in life!


  3. it is a battle for those feelings between the hope and the demons of our past…our history can be so haunting and debilitating at the same time….but overcoming them, what a new life is born


  4. a fresh start is all mental… I’ve learned that you can have a new beginning anytime you want. The past can be crippling, but once you realize that you have the power to overcome and forgive yourself from yesterday…. everything will fall into place.


  5. “The smoking memories prickled the eyes
    As a reminder of the ugliness to be tamed.”

    And, rather than leave this in the realm of melodrama, your poem takes this to a support group, taming, and then ignites new beginnings! Rather wonderful.


  6. You interpreted the photo so well – I hadnt noticed the difference between her eyes and her smile till I read your note at the end. You are right……an intriguing poem, hinting at an interesting back story.


  7. Each time we are knocked down or out, when there is a reversal, disappointment, death, betrayal–you are so right; there can be a fresh start, a new perspective on an old horizon; terrific take on the image.


  8. One of the things that struck me in this poem is that most often appearance and reality are so different from one another. Looking so serene on the surface–while battling inner growth within.


  9. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that there is light at the end of a tunnel that seems endless. Yet, no tunnel is without end. New beginnings are always possible.


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